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Thursday, November 1, 2007
examinationns. OFFICIALLY over!!
YAYA!!!!!!! EXAMS ARE OFFICIALLY OVER. except for the fact that we still have social studies =.=' well, but hu cares 'but that?? ==' time'da playplayplay and relaxrelaxrelax mann!! i'm not saying tat i'm chiobuu or sumthing but juz happii^^^
SECOND news flashh:

  1. omg i juz found out that melissa hates chio(bus) hehe luckily i'm a chiobuu but not a chiobu. ok.. tis is TOTALLY lame.

todae.. went to TM with my MEMBERS we actually wanted to buy the printed shirts with our names and pics printed on them but mei xiang dao hui cost $30!!!! and u noe i'm very money faced.. $_$!!! so we decided to buy the keychain instead. it had all our names on it. SO PREETTYY!! hehe enjoyable day for me^^ gonna play for the whole night. ( ok, it dependa on whether my parents allow) cause my bro still having 'exams'.

Yours Truly

hellohs,fiona here.
actually,this is my p5 blog,but you can still view the posts(:
aniwaes,thks for visiting & have fun!:D
dumbos since 271108.
Leave if you hate me :D

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