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Monday, July 28, 2008
P.S./This is my p5 blog.Err,if u wantuu c my p6 blog pls relink me @



Thursday, January 3, 2008
TY Ally!
Ty Ally!for those gifts u got for me and the fans.Especially the koala bear!!So cutee.^^Thx for the file,the coaster,the two keychains and the koala!^^ <3 Once a Fanner,Always a Fanner.
I'll look forward to a day where we can put all the FANS koala bears together^^ it'll definetely be SO cute.okays,buuhhh Bye!!!

Always Loving the fans,
Fiona the Fermented Cheesssyy.

Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's Day..
Yesterday was New years day Eve!So, i went to my cuz's hse, which was near Downtown East to party^^ After the party,i went to the Countdown in Downtown East with my cousins at about 11.45 p.m. We walked there and by 11.50, we had reached.I wasn't too surprised to see that there was a LONG LONG queue outside the hall.At the entrance of the hall, there were many ppl spraying foam and strings with their spraycans.I was covered with foam thoroughly! haha, but it was fun(: Then came the 3..2.. and 1! At 1, everyone took 0out their spraycans and sprayed at each other!Well, it was fun(:

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
woahhhhh.The song you're currently listening to now is Hairspray's[[ You can't stop the beat]]
My bro alrdy watched it for more than ten times le!!So my hse is like blasting with music.AHHH i am getting crazy. xD And i also like[[ without love]]-V.nicee!

eh.. and i also got to watch BrATZ and sad to say, i HATE it.It sucks loh!!Damn boring..It's all 'bout those friendship things and one spoilt-brat girl comes to spoil the 'Brats' friendship.I have also watched Balls of Fury le^^ v.funny!!! Okays..school's comin soon^^ So very excited!Miss school((:

Saturday, December 22, 2007
M'sia trip and...
yay!! GD NEWS todae.i won a portable dvd player through a lucky draw!!! yayy!!!Noww i can watch tv in my car in my trip to M'sia.Btws,someone is spamming meh tagboard.If u're the one hu spammed and is reading this now,pls commit suicide.(jk)uh,and if u're gonna use that nasty hands using your brain right now,pls stop.PLEASEEEEEE!! i hate spammers..( hah next time better rememebr my cbox pass^^)

Monday, December 3, 2007
a really funny south park video.. pls enjoy =)
REALLY funny south park video.. enjoy :DD

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
~happy..happy.. day..~
Had a happy ..happpy....HAPPY day todae..cause i got to catch 'Enchanted' with Sj,Nat and my bro(: The movie was HILARIOUUS!! i ordered Nachos and pepsi and shared it with my bro. The movie was so funny..i could hear laughs at every second! After the movie,we went to the arcade to have some fun! We played the hitting thing and challenged each other.Although i lost to my bro many times.. AT LEAST i won Ally and nat(: Very happy todae cause i've been longing 4 a LONG time to watch enchanted.now, i noe that it ROX more than i have expected.Those hu have not watchd, i encourage u to watch.. it is SO funny especially at the part when the prince toks to the 'mirror' which is the television and eventually gets the address of the princess! hahahaahaaaa


Yours Truly

hellohs,fiona here.
actually,this is my p5 blog,but you can still view the posts(:
aniwaes,thks for visiting & have fun!:D
dumbos since 271108.
Leave if you hate me :D

♥ Blogger

bold underlined strikeout



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    Tagboard code here?
    or images or blah blah Junks. (: